Not Done Yet Part 3:Why You Should Stay

Not Done Yet Part 3:Why You Should Stay

NDY1: Why people “Get Done’ with church. Identity Crisis, Messy Church, Fall Away. Maybe you are being called to be the very thing you are searching for. NDY2: Why church matters. Church is not something you attend, it’s someone you are. (1PET 2 v9-10) The church is God’s idea. (EPH 3 v7-13) It’s a supernatural, amazing organism that is part of God’s plan to bring about His will and his Kingdom in this world. (EPH 1 v18-23) NDY3: Why you should stay. 1. A step out of a local church risks a step away from God. (MRK 4 v18-19, 1 TIM 4, HEB 6 v4-12) 2. Staying in the local church stretches you in community. (HEB 10 v19-25, ROM 15 v1-13, COL 3 v12-17) 3. An outward focus of the church is best maintained when people gather intentionally. (MAT 28 v18-20, PHI 2 v1-11) 4. Church has tremendous potential when people are aligned and released around a common mission, vision and strategy. (EPH 2 v19-22, COL 1 v21-29) -6 Televangelists vs. 1 Denomination -Grace Church: Small church, BIG mission… I know we “get done” with church. I hope you will stay, there are amazing things ahead. The Holy Spirit is still moving and Jesus is still setting captives free. God’s not done yet, and neither are we. Discussion Questions -Why do you think some people leave the local church and follow celebrity pastors/televangelists from afar? Is that a valid choice over the local church? Why? -Describe a time where being part of a normal “messy church” actually helped you grow as a disciple of Jesus. -Work through the scripture passages in the notes 1 through 4 above. Which ones encouraged you or your faith? Which ones answered questions you had? -Where is God prompting you to step out in faith next?