5 Things God Never Said#5. You’ve Got To Go To Church On Sunday To Be A Christian.

5 Things God Never Said#5. You’ve Got To Go To Church On Sunday To Be A Christian.

Weeks 1-4 review #1 “If you don’t know the date you were saved, then you are not saved.” #2 “If you want to be saved, just invite Jesus into your heart.” #3. ”If you miss an opportunity to share Christ with someone; it’s your fault if that person goes to hell. #4. “If you come to Me, I want either all of your life or none of it. #5 You’ve Got To Go To Church On Sunday To Be A Christian. See Hebrews 10 v25. So, the issue with the Hebrews was much more than church attendance. The issue was that dear brothers and sisters who bore the marks of Christ were drifting away from faith, returning to their old lives, or departing from Jesus for extreme views. We Are Like The Hebrews. So many of us equate attending Sunday Worship as our key identity as Christians. But we also have given up meeting together and encouraging one another. What Sunday Church Can… and Cannot Do. One can acquire everything in solitude — except character. -Stendhal A Call To Get Messy! Hebrews 10 vv33-35, Proverbs 14 v4. It’s the Banana That Leaves The Bunch That Gets Peeled And Eaten. The issue with the Hebrews was not one of church attendance. The believers had fallen out of community with one another, and by doing so they were on the brink of falling away from Christ. Here’s Your Mission!! Plan a barbecue and invite some church friends/ families over that you don’t normally hang out with. Share your stories of how you came to Jesus. Study Questions: What aspects of our mission from Christ can only happen outside Sunday Church? What would your life look like if you met regularly with other brethren outside of church to serve, pray, study and bear witness? What is one place/time/weekday you could meet together with other brethren for discipleship? Will you take the necessary steps to make this happen?

