Scripture: Acts 5v1-11 Testing God: Lying to The Church & the Holy Spirit. They didn’t just lie to Peter and the church family – they offended God. The entire community could have suffered due to Ananias’s and Sapphira’s actions. God held all of Israel responsible for Achan’s singular act. Joshua 7v11 Greed & Pride “Look at me!” Satan had filled Ananias and Sapphira with the desire for recognition as “big givers.” Jesus warns us to avoid practicing piety in order to be seen by others and not to “sound a trumpet” before giving. Matthew 6v1-2 Demonization: Enter The Dragon… Peter’s told Ananias that Satan had so filled and controlled his heart that he was carried away in his actions, but he was still responsible. “It’s not a sin to be tempted, but to act on temptation.” Acts 5v.3,4 Is “demonization” the same as demon possession? Demon-possession: a person has little control over their actions. “Demonization”: Satan influences believers (or even non-believers) to be so obsessed with an idea or course of action that they get carried away and are blinded to the consequences. Luke 22v3, James 1v14,15 Is there some corrupting influence that has “touched” your life that has left you bound, and your soul in danger? Healthy Fear: (Godly) Fear Can Be Our Friend. The result of the death of Ananias is that “great fear seized all who heard what had happened” Acts 5v5b What does it mean to have a healthy fear of the Lord? Psalm 111v10, 2 Chronicles 19v9, Job 28v28, Proverbs 1v7 When we run away from sin, we run into the arms of one who loves us and delights to give us joy. John 10v10, 2 Timothy 2v22, Psalm 147:11 The Way of Jesus is the gateway to true delight! Psalm 37v4-6 Godly fear, then, is our friend. It helps us avoid the snares of Satan and keeps us shining for Jesus!