The Minor Prophets: Jonah; God’s Fish Story
The Minor Prophets: Jonah – God’s Fish Story Get To Know Jonah -Jonah means “dove”. -Contemporary of Amos. Setting The Stage -Jonah was proud of his identity and heritage as a Hebrew. -He was jealous over Jehovah and wanted Israel to win. -Nineveh was the capital city of Israel’s enemy, Assyria. God’s Story In Jonah -God tells Jonah to go to Nineveh. Jonah runs far the other way. Sin will take you farther than you want to go, keep you…
The Minor Prophets-Obadiah: Sins of the Brothers
Get to Know Obadiah Obadiah means “Servant of the Lord”. A prophecy to Edom – Esau’s descendants. Setting the Stage: Obadiah The history of the conflict between Jacob & Esau, reason for the hostility. (Genesis 25:29-34) God’s Story In Obadiah Edom’s actions and God’s response. (Ob. 1:10-14) Obadiah Speaks Today The problem of pride. (Pr. 16:18-19, 8:13) Edom’s biggest downfall was their pride and arrogance. What did Jesus say about pride? (Lk. 18:14) What does scripture tell…
Amos: A Country Bumpkin vs. The Cows of Bashan
Amos: A Country Bumpkin vs. The Cows of Bashan Texts: The Book of Amos, 1 Kings 11 &12. Get To Know Amos Redneck prophet: shepherd and fig farmer. God sent Amos north to warn Israel about God’s coming judgement. Setting The Stage Jeroboam II was king. (1 Kings 11 &12) Israel was thriving but full of idolatry and sin. God’s Story In Amos Israel is in God’s Crosshairs. (Amos 2) Israel’s hypocrisy. (Amos 5:21-23) Amos reminds Israel that God chose…
Joel: The Night Of The Locusts/The Day Of The Lord
Joel: Night of the Locusts & Day of the Lord Main Text: The Book of Joel Prophets 101 -What is a prophet? A spokesman for God… -“Forth-tellers” or foretellers? -Now, but not yet. The 3 Biblical Tests for a Prophet. 1. Theological Test: Does it line up with the character and Word of God? Mt. 24:24-25 2. Moral Test: Does the prophet’s life and teaching turn people from evil? Jer. 23:14 3. Practical Test: Did it come true? Practical Practice…
Hosea: God’s Broken Marriage, The Minor Prophets
Get to Know Hosea Hosea the son of Beeri is the first of the Minor Prophets. Setting the Stage Hosea 4:1-2 God’s Story in Hosea -God tells Hosea to take an unfaithful woman as a wife. Hosea 1:2-3 -God Names Hosea’s kids after Israel’s Unfaithfulness. • Jezreel “God sows/Judgement” (2 Kings 10) • Lo-ruhamah “One who never knew a father’s love” (Deut. 6) • Lo-ammi “one not belonging to me” -Hosea buys back his bride. Hosea 3:1-4 Hosea Still Speaks…
The Letter from God – Jeremiah 29
The Letter from God – Jeremiah 29 The End of the World (2 Kings 24-25, Lamentations 4) The dream is over – the promised land is a smoking ruin. Paradise Lost Exile: Someone banished or forced from their country or home by force. (Micah 3:12, 2 Kings 21:13-14) Despite all that, God still loves them. The Letter: Increase, do not decrease. (29:4-6) In time, God sends the exiles a letter through his prophet Jeremiah. He tells them to be fruitful…
Prayer: Why We Believe Better Than We Behave
Prayer: We Believe Better Than We Behave! John R. Mott & Jesus “More important than the most earnest thinking about a problem, more important than a personal interview to influence an individual, more important than addressing and swaying an audience – far more important than these and all other forms of activity is the act of coming into vital communion with God. It is indeed true that he that saves his time for prayer shall lose it. And he that…
Prayer Tune Into God
Prayer: Tune in To God! Have you ever noticed the way the disciples approached Christ in the Gospels and the way they approached Him in the book of Acts? For good reason, Jesus never acted on what they asked of Him. But when you turn to the book of Acts, you find a completely different focus in their lives and in their prayers. What made the difference? See: Acts 4:7-30 These men had an encounter with the risen victorious Christ.…
Hope In The Midst Of Suffering
Hope in the Midst of Suffering People anchor their hope in all sorts of things, and when that hope is misplaced, stolen, or lost, it creates a vacuum. The absence of hope is evident in a loss of direction and despair. People who are hurting, particularly those who have struggled for years, believe that the future will be a continuation of the past. They cannot grasp that life can be richer and more meaningful than it has been. In contrast…
The Philippians Hymn
The Philippian Hymn (Phil. 2: 5-11) Philip Yancey in Vanishing Grace: “…Jesus has a different set of qualifications for his kingdom than does civilization. His stories consistently made the wrong character the hero: the prodigal son not the responsible elder brother, the Good Samaritan not the good rabbi, a scabby beggar not the rich man. Those people most attracted to him included undesirables such as a half-caste woman with a checkered past, a blind beggar, ten exiles with leprosy, a…