Sermons on 1 Peter

Sermons on 1 Peter

Hostile Part 5: Kingdom Builders

Thriving In A Hostile World Joseph encountered tests many of us can identify with: betrayal, sexual temptation, the waiting game and the lure of power. It showed how God’s gift of character and courage can help us to thrive, be a blessing and live with excellence. Daniel and his friends showed us that while God may not always deliver us from the threat of hostility, he may deliver us and bring us through it. Esther showed us that even if…


Judgey Review 1.Don’t be judgey, be curious 2.Don’t be judgey, be kind 3.Don’t be judgey, show mercy. How to Judge Justly -We should judge ___________ in light of God’s Truth. Psalm 139 v23,24 -We should stand for _________ and _____________ in this world. Micah 6v8 -We are urged to NOT judge the _________ by Christian Standards. 1 Corinthians 5 v9-13, 2 v14; Romans 8 v6-9; Acts 17 v29-31 -We should judge in matters of church and family ______________. Galatians 6…