Sermons on Acts (Page 2)

Sermons on Acts (Page 2)

The Lies of Busyness Part 3: “There Aren’t Enough Hours In The Day!”

“There Aren’t Enough Hours in The Day!” Has time turned into a tyrant for you?   Why Do We Get Into Trouble with Time? –We get in trouble because of our egos. We overload our schedules to soothe our ego.   -We get in trouble because we waste time avoiding important things. Sometimes we waste good time on bad pursuits.   -We get in trouble because we are greedy. Beware of a constant lust for “more”.   -We get in…

Joel: The Night Of The Locusts/The Day Of The Lord

Joel: Night of the Locusts & Day of the Lord Main Text: The Book of Joel Prophets 101 -What is a prophet? A spokesman for God… -“Forth-tellers” or foretellers? -Now, but not yet. The 3 Biblical Tests for a Prophet. 1. Theological Test: Does it line up with the character and Word of God? Mt. 24:24-25 2. Moral Test: Does the prophet’s life and teaching turn people from evil? Jer. 23:14 3. Practical Test: Did it come true? Practical Practice…

Prayer Tune Into God

Prayer: Tune in To God! Have you ever noticed the way the disciples approached Christ in the Gospels and the way they approached Him in the book of Acts? For good reason, Jesus never acted on what they asked of Him. But when you turn to the book of Acts, you find a completely different focus in their lives and in their prayers. What made the difference? See: Acts 4:7-30 These men had an encounter with the risen victorious Christ.…
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