Sermons on Kings
The Minor Prophets: Nahum; God Is In Control
Nahum: God Is In Control! Get To Know Nahum Nahum means “The Lord Comforts.: He “comforts” Judah by declaring the absolute destruction of Assyria. Setting The Stage: Nahum 100 years earlier Jonah went to Nineveh and they repented. The Ninevites had again fallen into their wicked ways. Nahum declares their coming destruction. Israel was soon rebuilt, but Nineveh was lost for around 2500 years. God’s Story In Nahum Nahum 3:1-4 V.1: blood, plunder & victims 2: Powerful, intimidating armies V.3:…
The Letter from God – Jeremiah 29
The Letter from God – Jeremiah 29 The End of the World (2 Kings 24-25, Lamentations 4) The dream is over – the promised land is a smoking ruin. Paradise Lost Exile: Someone banished or forced from their country or home by force. (Micah 3:12, 2 Kings 21:13-14) Despite all that, God still loves them. The Letter: Increase, do not decrease. (29:4-6) In time, God sends the exiles a letter through his prophet Jeremiah. He tells them to be fruitful…