Sermons on Luke
Finding God In Endings
Ecclesiastics 7v8 Endings are inevitable. They multiply, the longer you live. How does our culture handle endings? We are conditioned often to see endings as a sign of failure, rather than opportunities for something new. We hate endings – we want to avoid them at all cost. -Endings are scary. -Endings remind of us of other times we have experienced loss or change in the past. -Endings make us we lose the illusion of absolute control we pretend to have.…
Fear Not
Christmas Eve Service. Fear Not the Lord is here Fear Not of salvation Fear Not of humanly impossible
Advent 4: Love
Advent 4: Love The Loneliest Place On Earth Where is the loneliest place on earth at Christmas? The loveliest place in the Christmas story has to be the humble stable where Jesus was born. What makes it the loveliest place on earth is who lives there. (Luke 2v8-12) Now, step outside the little stable and look 6 miles north, into the heart of the city of Jerusalem. In the middle of the city is a beautiful palace. But what makes…
Hostile Part 5: Kingdom Builders
Thriving In A Hostile World Joseph encountered tests many of us can identify with: betrayal, sexual temptation, the waiting game and the lure of power. It showed how God’s gift of character and courage can help us to thrive, be a blessing and live with excellence. Daniel and his friends showed us that while God may not always deliver us from the threat of hostility, he may deliver us and bring us through it. Esther showed us that even if…
5 Things God Never Said: Part 4 “If you come to Me, I want either all of your life or none of it.”
Weeks 1, 2 & 3 Review #1“If you don’t know the date you were saved, then you are not saved.” See Romans 8v15,16; Ephesians 3v13,14; 5v8-10 #2“If you want to be saved, just invite Jesus into your heart.” See Romans 10v9-10. #3. “If you miss an opportunity to share Christ with someone; it’s your fault if that person goes to Hell.” See John 6v44,45; 1 Corinthians 3v6-9 #4. If You Come To Me, I Want Either All Of…
5 Things God Never Said – Part 3 “If You Miss an Opportunity to Share Christ With Someone, It’s Your Fault If That Person Goes To Hell.”
Week 1 & 2 Review. #1 “If you don’t know the date you were saved, then you are not saved.” We can be sure of our faith because we have the internal witness of the Holy Spirit and the external testimony of a changed life. #2 “If you want to be saved, just invite Jesus into your heart.” Scripture says clearly that we are saved by faith. We must BELIEVE. (Romans 10 v9-10) Part 3. “If You Miss…
Palm Sunday: The Savior Is Here.
“The Hammer” Judas Maccabee Almost everything with Judas paralleled when Jesus entered the city 200 years later… but not quite. Zec 9:9 Rejoice greatly, O Daughter of Zion! Shout, Daughter of Jerusalem! See, your king comes to you, righteous and having salvation, gentle and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey. Earthly kingdoms are always focused on who is the top dog, the big cheese. Lk 22:25 Jesus said to them, “The kings of…
Hello My Name Is: “Glorious”
Psalm 9:10: “…Those who know Your name put their trust in You.” God’s Name: YHWH “I AM” Instrumental to God’s name and His nature is God’s glory and his renown. God’s Glory in Exodus 14 (Exodus 13:17,18, 14:2-4, 13-18) God proves he’s is VERY real and VERY glorious to the Egyptians and the Israelites. God’s Glorious Name – God’s Passion “God has revealed himself as a God who is passionate to make known the glory of his name…the…
The Lies of Busyness Part 2: “Work and Ambition Are Wrong.”
Martha & Mary (Luke 10:38-42) We live in a Martha world where we fight for Mary moments. Jesus invites us to live in a Mary world with Martha moments. Why did Jesus challenge Martha about her view on work? Martha has poor timing. (EC. 3:9-11) There are two rhythms to following Jesus: service and reflection. (Giving and receiving/work and rest.) Martha is Distracted. (LK. 10:40) We do for God and forget to be with God. We miss opportunities. Try…
Advent 2: Peace Arrives.
Finished with Peace Behold: The FINISHER! Peace is Hard to Find. It’s hard to find peace when there’s chaos or trouble all around you. Most of us understand that things like peace and freedom and harmony are precious and a gift from God. Also, most of us understand that precious things like peace are not cheap – they can be costly. Peace requires real work in a fallen, sinful world. Peace requires the work of God in our fallen, sinful…