Sermons by Pastor Dwane Parsons (Page 11)

Sermons by Pastor Dwane Parsons (Page 11)

WHO’S YOUR DADDY Part-7   Pastor Dwane continuing his sermon on WHO’S YOUR DADDY? Part – 7 God is Love Worship with Tyler Koke and his team.

WHO’S YOUR DADDY – Part 6 RIGHTEOUSNESS AND JUSTICE   Pastor Dwane continuing his sermon on WHO’S YOUR DADDY? Part – 6 Righteousness and Justice Worship with John Mark and his team. CCLI License number 1001973

Who’s Your Daddy – Part 5 Pastor Dwane Parsons is continuing his sermon series on “WHO’S YOUR DADDY” – PART-5 Worship with John Mark and his team. CCLI License number 1001973.

WHO’S YOUR DADDY Part-4   Pastor Dwane Parsons is continuing his sermon series  on “WHO’S YOUR DADDY” – PART-4 Worship with Cheryl Dunn and her team. CCLI License number 1001973

Who’s Your Daddy Part-3 Pastor Dwane Parsons is continuing his sermon series on “WHO’S YOUR DADDY” – PART-3 Worship with Judy Chretien and her team. CCLI License number 1001973.

Part 1 – ALL IN -Totally committed

Are you “All In?” Jesus once told a wealthy, successful young man to sell everything he had and give it to the poor, then leave it all behind and follow Him. What does a challenge like that mean for us, if we want to be a totally committed disciple of Jesus?