Sermons by Pastor Dwane Parsons (Page 12)

Sermons by Pastor Dwane Parsons (Page 12)

Redemption's Romance

Redemption’s Romance – Part 2

Redemption’s Romance is a message shared by Pastor Dwane Parsons from the book of Ruth . Worship with Brenda and her team. CCLI License number 1001973. Last week we met Naomi, Ruth and Boaz. Boaz is a good, godly man who happens to be a relative of Naomi’s, could he rescue them from their bleak situation? Even if things seem dark, we can trust God is still at work behind the scenes. Even if things seem dark, we can take…
Redemption's Romance

Redemption’s Romance – Part 1

Redemption’s Romance – Part 1 is a message by Pastor Dwane Parsons from the book of Ruth. Worship with Judy and her team. CCLI License number 1001973. A Story For Times Like These Ruth takes place during the time of the judges. Judges 21:25 says, “In those days there was no king in Israel; every man did what was right in his own eyes.” (Read Ruth 1:6-22) One of the main lessons in the book of Ruth is that God is…

Get Courage – Part 2

Get Courage – Part 2 is by Pastor Dwane Parsons. Worship with Cheryl Dunn and her team. CCLI License number 1001973. The first part of our Get Courage series reminded us that:  Practice Courage even if you don’t feel it.  Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1.9 Sometimes in life, courage is in the action of stepping…

Get Courage – Part 1

Pastor Dwane Parsons brings the message “Get Courage”. Music by iSing Worship. All rights reserved. Used by persmission. CCLI License Number 1001973. Click here for the Sermon Manuscript

Get Comfort

Pastor Dwane Parsons shares a message ‘Get Comfort’. Music by iSing Worship used by persmission. All rights reserved. CCLI License Number 1001973. Click here for Sermon Manuscript