Sermons by Pastor Dwane Parsons (Page 13)
Know Your Enemy Part 1
Pastor Dwane Parsons starts a new series called Know Your Enemy – Part 1 Know Your Enemy! Part 1: Weariness *Anyone here not a morning person? I remember when I was 15 years old I got my first job in Scarborough working in an elevator factory. It was hard work, long days and early mornings. I had to get up really early, and leave the house to grab the bus across town often while I was still half asleep. I…
The Way of Jesus – Part 7
Pastor Dwane Parsons continues the sermon series on “The Way of Jesus” with Part 7 – Get out of this building. Worship with Carrie and her team. CCLI License number 1001973. The Way of Jesus Part 7: Get Out Of This Building! Way of Jesus Recap #1. I have begun following Jesus, and am depending on the Spirit of Jesus in my journey. We are Christ followers on a journey. We rely on the constant infilling of the Holy Spirit…
The Way of Jesus – Part 6 – We’re all a mess
Pastor Dwane Parsons continues the sermon series on “The Way of Jesus” with Part 6 – We’re a Mess But At Least We’ve Got Each Other. Worship with Cheryl and her team. CCLI License number 1001973. Way of Jesus Part 6: We’re a Mess But At Least We’ve Got Each Other WOJ Recap #1. I have begun following Jesus, and am depending on the Spirit of Jesus in my journey. We are Christ followers on a journey. We rely on…
Good News from the Graveyard – He is Risen!
Pastor Dwane Parsons will be speaking on Easter Sunday on “Good News from the Graveyard – His is Risen!”. Worship with Cheryl and her team. CCLI License number 1001973. Good News From the Graveyard – Luke 24:1-3 *A Walk Among The Stones One day some time ago I took a walk through a local cemetery. It was a clear, cool day and no one else was there besides the cemetery workers in a far off corner.. I spent some time…
Good News from Golgotha – Our Only Hope
Good News from Golgotha – Our Only Hope is part of the Easter sermon series by Pastor Dwane Parsons. **The school system in a large city had a program to help children keep up with their school work during stays in the city’s hospitals. One day a teacher who was assigned to the program received a routine call asking her to visit a particular child named Joey. She took Joey’s room number and talked briefly with the child’s regular class…
Good News from Jerusalem – King for the Day
Pastor Dwane Parsons will be speaking on Palm Sunday on “Good News from Jerusalem (King for the Day!) Worship with Judy and her team. CCLI License number 1001973. Remember when you were a kid and you got to be king for a day on your birthday? You didn’t have to do your chores, You got pick to eat whatever you wanted (Pizza for breakfast lunch and dinner!) You got to watch whatever you wanted to watch and boss around the…
The Way of Jesus – Part 4 – BIG LOVE
Pastor Dwane Parsons continues the sermon series on “The Way of Jesus” – Part 4 – BIG LOVE. Worship with Brenda and her team. CCLI License number 1001973. The Way of Jesus Part 4: BIG LOVE Way of Jesus Recap #1. I have begun following Jesus, and am depending on the Spirit of Jesus in my journey. We are Christ followers on a journey. We rely on the constant infilling of the Holy Spirit for supernatural power to be overcomers…
The Way of Jesus – Part 5 – Living in the Red
Pastor Dwane Parsons continues the sermon series on “The Way of Jesus” – Part 5 – Living in the Red. Worship with Carrie and her team. CCLI License number 1001973. Way of Jesus Part 5: Living in The Red *Way Of Jesus Recap #1. I have begun following Jesus, and am depending on the Spirit of Jesus in my journey. We are Christ followers on a journey. We rely on the constant infilling of the Holy Spirit for supernatural power…
The Way of Jesus – Part 3 – Learning Your ABCs
Pastor Dwane Parsons shares a message from the sermon series “The Way of Jesus”. Worship with Judy and her team. CCLI License number 1001973. Way of Jesus Part 3: Learning Your ABC’s… Texts: Phil 2, Mt 5:16, Gal 2:20-3:3, 5:22,23; 2Cor 3:18 WOJ Recap #1. I have begun following Jesus, and am depending on the Spirit of Jesus in my journey. #2. I have been sent by Jesus to bless others and to invite them to follow Him. #3. I…
The Way of Jesus – Part 2 – Sent Blessings Sending Invitations
Pastor Dwane Parsons shares a message from the sermon series “The Way of Jesus”. Worship with Cheryl and her team. CCLI License number 1001973. 7 Steps Closer Part 2: Sent Blessings Sending Invitations *7 Steps Recap #1. I have begun following Jesus, and am depending on the Spirit of Jesus in my journey. We are Christ followers on a journey. We rely on the constant infilling of the Holy Spirit for supernatural power to be overcomers and servants of Christ.…