Sermons by Pastor Dwane Parsons (Page 4)

Sermons by Pastor Dwane Parsons (Page 4)

Corinthian Commands Part 1: Be Alert

Corinthian Chaos = Be Alert! (1 Corinthians 16 v13-14, 1 Thessalonians 5 v5-6) 1Co 16 v13,14 Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong. Do everything in love. Be Alert Against The _________. (1 Peter 5 v8) Be Alert Against The Threat Of _____. (Heb 3 v12-13, John 14 v15,23-24)) The less we trust, the more we disobey. The more we disobey, the less we trust. The more we trust Him, the more…

Not Done Yet Part 4:Why You Should Stay II

NDY1: Why people “Get done’ with church. Identity Crisis, Messy Church, Falling Away. Maybe you are being called to be the very thing you are searching for. NDY2: Why church matters. Church is not something you attend, it’s someone you are. The church is God’s idea. It’s a supernatural, amazing organism that is part of God’s plan to bring about His will and his Kingdom in this world. NDY3: Why You Should Stay. 1. A step out of church =…

Not Done Yet Part 3:Why You Should Stay

NDY1: Why people “Get Done’ with church. Identity Crisis, Messy Church, Fall Away. Maybe you are being called to be the very thing you are searching for. NDY2: Why church matters. Church is not something you attend, it’s someone you are. (1PET 2 v9-10) The church is God’s idea. (EPH 3 v7-13) It’s a supernatural, amazing organism that is part of God’s plan to bring about His will and his Kingdom in this world. (EPH 1 v18-23) NDY3: Why you…

Not Done Yet Part 2: The Case For Church

Last Week: Why dedicated people “get done”. -Identity Crisis -Messy Church -Falling Away… In all the “machinery” of church, we must never lose WHY we are here. Maybe you are being called to be the very thing you are searching for. The case for church. 1. The Church isn’t something you go to, it’s something you are. 2Co 6:16 For we are the temple of the living God. As God has said: “I will live with them and walk among…

Not Done Yet Part 1: Why People Leave

l Love the Church… but I don’t like church? I want to see a revolution in how we gather, and what happens when we gather. …even dedicated, involved people can get “done with church”. Why do we “get done” with church? 1. Your identity becomes tied to what you do, not who you are. You’re a child of God, redeemed by a Savior who came for YOU. Gal 2:20 I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live,…

If God is in control, why do we pray?

Dear Abby, AMEN. “I struggle with praying for what I want because I know, in the end, God’s plan will prevail anyways… he knows better than me because he’s sovereign… Isn’t it pointless for me to pray for what I want?”   Determinism, Fatalism & Providence. The Creator of the universe INVITES US to ask him to do things that we think would be good for the glory of His name, and for the good of the world. God does…

Easter Sunday: Christ is Risen and He is Our Savior for Life!

Easter Sunday: Savior for Life Palm Sunday: Jesus is Here – the Savior has Come. ZEC 9:9 “Rejoice greatly, O Daughter of Zion! Shout, Daughter of Jerusalem! See, your king comes to you, righteous and having salvation, gentle and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.” When did Jesus first show up in your life? Good Friday: Jesus is Our Savior from Death. (ISA 53:6, ROM 5:8-9, EPH 1:7-8, HEB 10:19-22, 10.) 2 COR 5:21…

Palm Sunday: The Savior Is Here.

“The Hammer” Judas Maccabee Almost everything with Judas paralleled when Jesus entered the city 200 years later… but not quite. Zec 9:9 Rejoice greatly, O Daughter of Zion! Shout, Daughter of Jerusalem! See, your king comes to you, righteous and having salvation, gentle and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.   Earthly kingdoms are always focused on who is the top dog, the big cheese. Lk 22:25 Jesus said to them, “The kings of…

Hello My Name Is: “Hallowed”

Psalm 9:10 Those who know your name will trust in you.     Hallowed: The Lord’s Prayer and the Name of God  Matthew 6:5-15 “Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.” The word “hallow” means sanctify: “to make or treat as holy.’   What Does It Mean to HALLOW God’s name? Believe Him. – Numbers 20:12, Ps.9:10 Fear Him. – Isaiah 8:12–13, Psalm 118 Obey Him – Leviticus 22:31–32, 1 John 5:2-3, John 13:34 Glorify Him –  Leviticus…

Hello My Name Is: “Jealous”

Psalm 9:10: “…Those who know your name put their trust in you.” Jealous! Exodus 34:10–16 What is a Covenant? Our entire faith is a loving divine-human relationship built on Covenants. A covenant involves three things: promises, commandments (terms) and warnings. The Promises of the Covenant: Blessings, Mercy and Grace Exodus 34:6,7,10 The very first promise of God’s covenant is to mercifully forgive repentant sinners. The Terms of the Covenant: Work or a Wedding? Exodus 34:27,28 So, the terms of the…