"Acts" Tagged Sermons
ACTS Church On Fire Part 8: Extraordinary Community: Extravagant Generosity
The Believers Share Their Possessions Acts 4v32-37 A Tale Of 2 Temples Herod’s temple: an imposing cathedral. Jesus’ temple: His people. The early church Jesus approached life in a radical new way. John 15v12-14 The Way of Jesus is to lay down your life. John 13v34-35 The Way of Jesus is to live by the law of love. 1 John 4v10-12 The Way of Jesus is to love the way God loves. Matthew 20v28 The church’s mission is to introduce…
Acts Church On Fire Part 6: Holy Boldness!
Scripture: Acts 4 v1-22. Boldness… When I say the word, “boldness”, what comes to your mind? In this week’s passage, Peter demonstrates a Holy Spirit-produced boldness. Peter Shows His Boldness. Boldness to do something that only could be done with God’s help. Are there any areas in your life where you are stepping out in faith and unless God intervenes, it will not work? Boldness to speak the truth to the Sanhedrin: “Jesus, the one YOU killed and…
ACTS: Church on Fire Part 4 – Repentance and Responsibility
Scripture: Acts 2 v37-41 Acts 2v38 Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” What is Repentance? Devout Jewish people believed in God, but still needed to repent! -More than just believing in God. (James 2v19) -More than sorrow for sin. (Judas- Matthew 27v1-5) -More than a resolve to “do better.” (Wages of sin =…