Sermons from October 2023
The Minor Prophets: Habakkuk: The Man Who Questions God
Habakkuk: The Man Who Questioned God. Get To Know Habakkuk “If you don’t have any doubts, you are either kidding yourself or asleep. Doubts are the ants in the pants of faith. They keep it awake and moving.” Habakkuk goes to God with his questions and his doubts. Setting The Stage: Habakkuk Hebrew History 101! Civil war splits the nation not long after Solomon’s death. (1 Kings 12) Israel is a troubled disaster. Judah starts well but falls into chaos.…
The Minor Prophets: Nahum; God Is In Control
Nahum: God Is In Control! Get To Know Nahum Nahum means “The Lord Comforts.: He “comforts” Judah by declaring the absolute destruction of Assyria. Setting The Stage: Nahum 100 years earlier Jonah went to Nineveh and they repented. The Ninevites had again fallen into their wicked ways. Nahum declares their coming destruction. Israel was soon rebuilt, but Nineveh was lost for around 2500 years. God’s Story In Nahum Nahum 3:1-4 V.1: blood, plunder & victims 2: Powerful, intimidating armies V.3:…
Minor Prophets: Micah: Back to Basics
Micah: Back to the Basics Get To Know Micah. Micah’s name means, “Who is like Yahweh?” He was an ordinary working-class guy who sympathized for the plight of the ordinary working-class people around him. A true prophet of God, he uncovered sin and pointed to the coming Messiah. Setting The Stage: Micah Assyrian taxation, corrupt religion, apathy of the privileged. God’s Story In Micah. Back to Bethlehem. Back to Peace with God. Back to Ethical Righteousness. Micah Speaks Today. God…
The Minor Prophets: Jonah; God’s Fish Story
The Minor Prophets: Jonah – God’s Fish Story Get To Know Jonah -Jonah means “dove”. -Contemporary of Amos. Setting The Stage -Jonah was proud of his identity and heritage as a Hebrew. -He was jealous over Jehovah and wanted Israel to win. -Nineveh was the capital city of Israel’s enemy, Assyria. God’s Story In Jonah -God tells Jonah to go to Nineveh. Jonah runs far the other way. Sin will take you farther than you want to go, keep you…
The Minor Prophets-Obadiah: Sins of the Brothers
Get to Know Obadiah Obadiah means “Servant of the Lord”. A prophecy to Edom – Esau’s descendants. Setting the Stage: Obadiah The history of the conflict between Jacob & Esau, reason for the hostility. (Genesis 25:29-34) God’s Story In Obadiah Edom’s actions and God’s response. (Ob. 1:10-14) Obadiah Speaks Today The problem of pride. (Pr. 16:18-19, 8:13) Edom’s biggest downfall was their pride and arrogance. What did Jesus say about pride? (Lk. 18:14) What does scripture tell…