Sermons from September 2024

Sermons from September 2024

Judgey Part 2: Not Holy Enough

Week 1 Recap: Not SMART enough. Christians shouldn’t be judgey because we don’t know all the story – only God does. Be curious – Not judgmental. Take time to LISTEN. Judgey Part 2: Not Holy Enough We think we are justified in our judgements, just because people happen to sin differently than we do. To think that there are sins that you are incapable of doing, and then to judge others for them, is a dangerous place to sit. We…

Judgey Part 1: Not Smart Enough

Part 1: Not Smart Enough Are you… Judgey? Do you ever find yourself being “judgey” of others? We think we are smarter than them so we judge their intelligence. We think we are holier than them so we judge their character. We think we are stronger than them so we try and force them to change. Have You Ever Judged A Situation Or A Person Without Knowing The Whole Story? I Shouldn’t Be Judgey Because I Don’t Have All the…