5 Things God Never Said – Part 3 “If You Miss an Opportunity to Share Christ With Someone, It’s Your Fault If That Person Goes To Hell.”

5 Things God Never Said – Part 3 “If You Miss an Opportunity to Share Christ With Someone, It’s Your Fault If That Person Goes To Hell.”

Week 1 & 2 Review.

#1 “If you don’t know the date you were saved, then you are not saved.”

We can be sure of our faith because we have the internal witness of the Holy Spirit and the external testimony of a changed life.


#2 “If you want to be saved, just invite Jesus into your heart.”

Scripture says clearly that we are saved by faith. We must BELIEVE. (Romans 10 v9-10)


Part 3. “If You Miss an Opportunity To Share Christ With Someone, It’s Your Fault If That Person Goes To Hell.”

51% of Christians do not witness because of fear of rejection. We’re stuck between our own fear of rejection, and the thought of a precious soul spending eternity without Jesus.


The Watchman on The Wall. (Ezekiel 3 v17-19)

God appointed Ezekiel a prophetic watchman for the nation of Judah. His job was to warn them of His impending judgment.

If Ezekiel refused to speak God’s message to people he encountered, he’d be guilty of disobedience – their blood would be on his head.


The Hard Realities of a Fallen World.

As a believer, I AM responsible to share the Gospel.

I should be expecting God prompt me at times to be a watchman on the wall for the precious souls around me.

So, while I can’t save anyone, I AM responsible to point people to Jesus.


We Introduce Them, HE Saves Them.

(See John 6 v44,45; 12 v48; Luke 10 v16)


The Work Of Salvation Is God’s Work As We Bear Witness Of The Gospel. (See 1 Corinthians 3 v6-9; Ephesians 2 v8-10)


“As You Go, Make Disciples!” (Matthew 28 v19)

At the end of the day, we are His workmanship called to bear witness of all he has done to redeem and rescue the human race.


We are his witnesses who witness.

He is the Wonderful Saviour who saves.
