5 Things God Never Said: Part 4 “If you come to Me, I want either all of your life or none of it.”

5 Things God Never Said: Part 4 “If you come to Me, I want either all of your life or none of it.”

Weeks 1, 2 & 3 Review

#1“If you don’t know the date you were saved, then you are not saved.”

See Romans 8v15,16; Ephesians 3v13,14; 5v8-10

#2“If you want to be saved, just invite Jesus into your heart.”

See Romans 10v9-10.

#3. “If you miss an opportunity to share Christ with someone; it’s your fault if that person goes to Hell.”  See John 6v44,45; 1 Corinthians 3v6-9



#4. If You Come To Me, I Want Either All Of Your Life Or None Of It.

Luke 14v26-17,33; John 3v16,36, 5v24, 20v31


Salvation is free, but discipleship involves a __________.



How This Thinking Hurts Our Witness And The Gospel…

Who of us at any given moment could say that every single aspect of our life belongs to God?

There are TWO big problems with that kind of thinking:

First, it can become an excuse that Christians use NOT to bear witness of the Gospel. 1 Corinthians 1v27,30-31

Live your life as a representative of what Jesus can do in a life yielded to Him.

Secondly, this misconception presents unsaved people with conditions that they’re not even remotely prepared to meet.

Romans 6v22,23; 2 Corinthians 3v8

You don’t have to have it all figured out/clean yourself up to follow Jesus.

Holiness is a process of learning to trust and walk with Jesus more and more.



Welcome To The War, Soldier.

Romans 7v21, Philippians 3v12-14, Galatians 5:13-25


Philippians 3:16 Only let us live up to what we have already __________.



  1. Forget What’s Behind And Reach For What You Already Have…

Live your life as a representative of what Jesus can do in a life yielded to Him.



Digging Deeper:

-How does this change my understanding of my struggle with flesh and sin? 

-If Christ has already given me salvation and made me righteous, what should my plans and passions look like?

-What territory is the Holy Spirit challenging me to begin the surrender process in right now? What must I do today to “press on” toward Jesus?

-How will this knowledge change how I witness to others?
