Acts: Recap (Acts Chs. 6 & 7) Different Jobs, Same Power (Acts 6v8) While Stephen was not an apostle, he was a Spirit Filled disciple of Jesus, filled with grace and wisdom. The same powerful Spirit is available to you, wherever you serve the Lord. Religion, Religion Everywhere! (Acts 6 v9-14) Throughout the Roman era, thousands of diaspora Jews returned to Jerusalem. Jerusalem had over 480 synagogues! These groups of returned Jews were particularly strict and full of bigotry. They paid people to lie to the Sanhedrin that Stephen had blasphemed the temple and all the traditions they stood for. If God was really on their side, why would they need to pay people off to tell lies to protect their religion? A Beautiful Face With Brutal Words (Acts 6 v15- 7 v2) Stephen spoke with wisdom from a deep knowledge of the scriptures. He challenged his opponents to see that their own unfaithfulness matched their ancestors’ recurring rebellion against God. When they looked into Stephen’s face they didn’t see fear or defiance, but peaceful confidence and passion. Shattered Delusions (Acts 7 v51-60) They received the law, given to Moses through angels, but they disobeyed it. They had received God’s living word, Jesus Christ, but they rejected and killed Him as well. When Stephen publicly uncovered their sin, their anger turned into rage. Gnashed their teeth: the more hellish their response, the more heavenly Stephen was raptured. Stephen sees Jesus standing: Ready to help vs. sitting indifferent; Ready to plead for Him to the Father; ready to receive him. Stephen – A Good Death As a follower of Jesus… -Stephen faced death without fear. -Stephen faced death with no bitterness in his heart. “As a Christian I am called to treat my enemy as a brother and to meet hostility with love. My behavior is thus determined not by the way others treat me, but by the treatment I receive from Jesus.” – Dietrich Bonhoeffer -Stephen faced death with a heart full of scripture. -Stephen faced death with his eyes focused squarely on Jesus. A Good Life Can Lead To A Good Death Stephen faced death with his eyes focused on Jesus because he lived his life with his eyes focused on Jesus. Stephen was an ordinary man full of faith and the Holy Spirit —both gifts are available to you TODAY.