Scripture: Acts 2 v37-41
Acts 2v38 Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.”
What is Repentance?
Devout Jewish people believed in God, but still needed to repent!
-More than just believing in God. (James 2v19)
-More than sorrow for sin. (Judas- Matthew 27v1-5)
-More than a resolve to “do better.” (Wages of sin = death. Death is never satisfied. Proverbs 30v15,16; Romans 6v23.)
-More than trying to make up for your sin (Penance).
-More than just in your mind – it is a change of heart.
–Repentance (METANOIA) turns from sin to Christ, the saviour.
-Faith embraces HIM as the only hope of salvation and righteousness.
-Repentance is turning (METANOIA) from evil to obedience.
(Ephesians 2 v1-9)
-You cannot experience God’s forgiveness or be filled with the Holy Spirit without repentance. (Acts 2 v38)
-You cannot experience a transformed life without repentance. (Luke 3 v13; Acts 3 v19; Titus 3 v5)
What Does Repentance Look Like? (Acts 2 v42-47)
Community and Caring = Responsibility.
The early church believers had a powerful sense of community and caring.
They took responsibility for their own spiritual growth and took care of one another.
Their community life was characterized by:
-Teaching/learning & prayer. -Fellowship. -Eating together. (Eucharist and common meals.) -Shared possessions and the equitable distribution of goods.
You can only expect an Acts 2 type of church experience
if you are willing to walk in Acts 2 type of repentance and community.
Ask the Holy Spirit to show you what you should do to grow as an Acts 2 believer, walking in repentance and responsibility together.
What do you expect out of this church?
What do you expect to gain from your bible study/small group/ministry?
What should this church expect from you?
What should your bible study/small group/ministry expect from you?