Scripture: Acts 4 v1-22.
When I say the word, “boldness”, what comes to your mind?
In this week’s passage, Peter demonstrates a Holy Spirit-produced boldness.
Peter Shows His Boldness.
Boldness to do something that only could be done with God’s help.
Are there any areas in your life where you are stepping out in faith and unless God intervenes, it will not work?
Boldness to speak the truth to the Sanhedrin:
“Jesus, the one YOU killed and GOD resurrected to life, healed this man!”
Peter did not shrink back.
Luke 12v11,12
“Who do you think you are? By whose authority do are you doing this…”
Boldness to obey God over the demands of mere men.
How would we act if we “feared no one except God”?
Bible has over 365 commands to “Fear Not.” or “Do Not Be Afraid.”
Isa 8v12 “Do not call conspiracy everything that these people call conspiracy; do not fear what they fear, and do not dread it.
Where Can I Find More Boldness?
Remember: You Are Not Alone.
Isa 8v13,14 “The LORD Almighty is the one you are to regard as holy, he is the one you are to fear, he is the one you are to dread, and he will be a sanctuary…”
You + God = a Majority!
Be With Jesus: Presence Based Boldness.
Acts 4v13,14 Being with Jesus will give you boldness.
Do The Will of God.
Peter had higher priorities than personal comfort or safety or looking good.
Fear of man/persecution tempts us to disobey the commands of God.
Loving this world and its pleasures tempts us to disobey the commands of God.
Paul wrote; “Demas… loved this world…. has deserted me.” 1 Tim. 4v10
1Jn 2v15 “Do not love the world or anything in the world.”
If the apostles stopped speaking, they would be disobedient to the command of Jesus. (Acts 4v19-20)
Obedience and boldness go hand in hand.
If you were to suddenly become “bold” for Christ,
what about you would change?