Corinthian Commands Part 1: Be Alert

Corinthian Commands Part 1: Be Alert

Corinthian Chaos = Be Alert! (1 Corinthians 16 v13-14, 1 Thessalonians 5 v5-6) 1Co 16 v13,14 Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong. Do everything in love. Be Alert Against The _________. (1 Peter 5 v8) Be Alert Against The Threat Of _____. (Heb 3 v12-13, John 14 v15,23-24)) The less we trust, the more we disobey. The more we disobey, the less we trust. The more we trust Him, the more we obey Him. The more we obey Him, the more we trust Him. Be Alert Against The Threat Of ________. (Acts 20 v30-31; 2 Peter 2) The 3 Tests for Error: -Does this teaching glorify Christ, or something/someone else? -Does it line up with the gospel I first responded to? -Does it teach me to do the will of my Father in Heaven? Be Alert For Opportunities To Do ________. (Galatians 6 v7-10, Acts 10:38, Luke 6 v27-36) Be Alert For The __________________ Is Near. (Matthew 24 v36,42) So, Be Alert! Have you let your guard down, let sin or error slip in, or missed opportunities to love others? Has Jesus been inviting you to trust Him as savior– to wake up that this world is in danger and the time is short? Remember – to Jesus, love looks like obedience. Let’s OBEY the Holy Spirit’s command to BE ALERT.