Corinthian Commands Part 2: Stand Firm!

Corinthian Commands Part 2: Stand Firm!

1Corinthians 16 v13,14 “Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong. Do everything in love.” Stand Firm! 1 Corinthians 15 v58 Shifting Sands & Abolishing Absolutes Our society is dedicated to spiritual and ethical pluralism, but we believe in an objective, unyielding truth. There is a great temptation to drift away from the heart of the gospel. The Dangers of Drifting “We must pay the most careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away.” Hebrews 2 v1 -DRIFTING REQUIRES NO _________. -IT IS AN_________________ PROCESS. -WE NEVER DRIFT ___________ OR AGAINST THE TIDE. (2 Peter 1 v5-8, 3 v18) -THE SPEED DOWNSTREAM ______________. (Judges 16 v20) -IT IS _____________ TO OTHERS. (Ephesians 5 v5-7, 3 v13,14) -IT ENDS IN ____________. (Hebrews 2 v1-4) How To Stand Firm And Not Drift! KEEP ROWING. Peter 1 v5-8 WATCH OUT FOR UNDERCURRENTS. 1Peter 2 v11 EXPECT TO GO AGAINST THE TIDE… -Expect resistance. 1 Peter 4 v12,13 -Beware drifting with the crowd. Matthew 7 v13,14 WE MUST HAVE A STRONG ANCHOR -Anchor of Hope: Hebrews 6 v19,20 -Rooted & built up in Him. Colossians 2 v6-7