Hello My Name Is: “Almighty”

Hello My Name Is: “Almighty”

Psalm 9:10: “…Those who know your name put their trust in you.” The First Setback Have you ever been in a place where you feel God is about to bring about a miraculous experience or breakthrough in your life, only to be met with a heartbreaking setback? Exodus 6:1, “Then the LORD said to Moses, “Now you will see what I will do to Pharaoh: Because of my mighty hand he will let them go; because of my mighty hand he will drive them out of his country.” It’s in those moments God reveals himself as “God Almighty!” What Does God Almighty Mean? The Hebrew behind the English GOD ALMIGHTY is “El Shaddai.” -UNSTOPPABLE: God cannot be stopped from accomplishing his purposes. Daniel 4:35 -God Does Whatever He Pleases. PS 115:3, EX 33:19, John 10:18 -God’s Power Is Superior to All Other Powers. PS 19:1 What Does Almighty Mean for Us? 1. Reverence. Prov. 9:10. Reverence is the combination of admiration and fear, awe and dread, wonder and terror. Wisdom begins with a healthy reverence and awe for YHWH and His mighty power. 2. Recompense. Psalm 73. If God is almighty, one thing is for sure—no one who resists him can succeed. 3. Refuge. PS. 73:28, PS 91:1,2, RO 8:37-39 Regardless of what this world hurls at you, you live overshadowed by El Shaddai. If Almighty God brings you to it, Almighty God can bring you through it. Discussion Questions. -Share a story where, as a kid, you had to use super-human strength! -God uses a setback in Exodus 6 to prove his almighty power over Egypt. How has God used a “setback” in your life for His glory? -Psalm 73 echoes feelings we all wrestle with. Do we sometimes play both sides – oppressor and oppressed? Are there any ways that we live that God likely would not bless/reward? -God is a refuge for those who reverently trust Him. Share an area where God is a refuge for you right now. Can we pray with you about it?
