Psalm 9:10: “…Those who know Your name put their trust in You.”
God’s Name: YHWH “I AM”
Instrumental to God’s name and His nature is God’s glory and his renown.
God’s Glory in Exodus 14 (Exodus 13:17,18, 14:2-4, 13-18)
God proves he’s is VERY real and VERY glorious to the Egyptians and the Israelites.
God’s Glorious Name – God’s Passion
“God has revealed himself as a God who is passionate to make known the glory of his name…the God who absolutely is, the God who is personal and the God who is supremely glorious.”-Piper
(See Exodus 6:7, 7:5, 7:17, 8:22, 9:16, 14:8. Psalm 106:7-8. Isaiah 63:11,12. Hosea 13:4. Ezekiel 20:5,9.)
God’s Glorious Name – Christ’s Passion (LK 9:30-31, JHN 12:27-28, 1JHN 2:12)
The God of the Exodus arrived into history in the person of Jesus Christ.
YHWH brought Israel out of Egypt into freedom to prove His glorious name and power. Jesus went to the cross to Glorify the name of God and to prove He STILL is the God who sets captives free.
We Live for God’s Glory!
Glorifying God is the ultimate, absolute, all-pervasive reason for being everything we are, and doing everything we do.
We are called, as His people, to “Glorify the Lord”. (Psalm 34:3)
“Glorifying” means giving weight – honor- to God: Thinking, speaking and acting in ways that reflect His love, power and greatness.
1 PET 2:9 …you are a chosen people …declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.
“…whatever you do, do it all to the glory of God.” 1 COR 10:31
What would you be doing if you lived, every day, for the Glory of God?
Discussion Questions
-Share a time where, as a kid, you were “glorified” for something you did well.
-Israel stuck around for Egypt to attack them. Jesus was obedient to death on a cross. Has God ever told you to do something difficult/scary for His glory? How did your circumstances/battle glorify God in the end?
-What is the Holy Spirit saying to you about daily living for God’s Glory?