Judgey Part 1: Not Smart Enough

Judgey Part 1: Not Smart Enough

Part 1: Not Smart Enough Are you… Judgey? Do you ever find yourself being “judgey” of others? We think we are smarter than them so we judge their intelligence. We think we are holier than them so we judge their character. We think we are stronger than them so we try and force them to change. Have You Ever Judged A Situation Or A Person Without Knowing The Whole Story? I Shouldn’t Be Judgey Because I Don’t Have All the Information! We shouldn’t be judgey of others because we don’t know the whole story – we aren’t smart enough. But ________ is. He sees the whole picture from start to finish. Psalm 147 v5, 1 Samuel 2 v3, Isaiah 55 v9, 1 John 3v 20. If We Judge From Faulty Information, What Does That Make Our Judgments? Faulty! Even well meaning, Godly people can get tripped up by faulty reasoning. 1 Samuel 16:7 But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” When We See A Brother Or Sister Caught In Sin, There Are Three Things We Do Not Know: 1.We do not know how HARD they tried not to sin. 2.We do not know the POWER of the forces that assailed them. 3. We also do not know what WE would have done in the same circumstances. Be Curious, Not Judgmental. What could have happened to this person to make them pick this course? What kind of journey have they been on? What would I have done in their shoes? If you are short on information, get better information. More information can help you understand, and then to have more empathy. Jesus always asked amazing questions…

