Judgey Part 2: Not Holy Enough

Judgey Part 2: Not Holy Enough

Week 1 Recap: Not SMART enough. Christians shouldn’t be judgey because we don’t know all the story – only God does. Be curious – Not judgmental. Take time to LISTEN. Judgey Part 2: Not Holy Enough We think we are justified in our judgements, just because people happen to sin differently than we do. To think that there are sins that you are incapable of doing, and then to judge others for them, is a dangerous place to sit. We shouldn’t be judgey towards others because we are not holy enough. Only God is Holy Enough. God is the only truly righteous, holy judge. (1 Samuel 2 v2; Psalm 77 v13, 99 v9; Isaiah 5 v6.) The most central attribute of God is His holiness. When we judge someone unjustly, you and I are trying to do a job we are completely unqualified to do. WHY are We Judgey? When we judge someone from our sinful place our motives are often wrong. We are judgey so we can ________ better in others’ eyes. (Galatians 5v15) We are judgey because it makes us ________ better in our own eyes. (Matthew 7v1-2) We become judgey to _________ with God’s conviction. (Genesis 3v11,12; Romans 14 v4) What Do We See A Holy God Doing for Unholy People? John 3:16,17; Romans 2:1-4 Our holy God is kind and patient with unholy people. So, what will you do this week? Instead of being judgey, be ______. Be _________ with the people around you. We shouldn’t be judgey because we are not Holy. Only God is the holy judge. And he has chosen to offer gifts of kindness and patience to sinners. And so should we.

