Malachi: “Apostates and Arrivals”

Malachi: “Apostates and Arrivals”

Malachi: “Apostates and Arrivals” Get To Know Malachi  Malachi’s name means “My messenger.  He shows up around 100 years after the exiles’ return. Setting The Stage: Malachi  When important stuff is neglected, things tend to fall apart.  The temple had been completed and the city was safe and prosperous… BUT a situation of moral and religious deterioration had set in. God’s Story In Malachi Apostasy: When a person abandons their faith/religion, sometimes even to the point of working against that religion. The people sarcastically dismiss God’s concerns…  Carelessness in their sacrifices and offerings. MAL 1:8  The priests’ neglect of their duties. MAL 2:7  Violated their vows to pay tithes and offerings. MAL 3:9  Calling evil good. (Moral chaos) MAL 2:17  Vow breaking/ Divorce. MAL 2:13-15 Malachi Speaks Today Are you an apostate? There are 4 stages/ types:  Apathy & Rebellion: Distrust and arrogance.  Turning away: Distraction  Falling away: Letting Go… of God.  Adultery: Loving someone/something who is not your spouse. The Big Three:  Ministry: Are we bringing our best?  Marriage: Instead of loving God, are we leaving God?  Money: Are we obedient or enslaved? Don’t blow up your life – handle these three carefully. God’s Not Finished!  God promises a NEW DAY: Mal 4:2 …for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. And you will go out and leap like calves released from the stall.  We look ahead to Advent… “The Arrival”. Hope arrives. Peace arrives. Joy arrives. Love arrives. Jesus arrives.