Not Done Yet Part 4:Why You Should Stay II

Not Done Yet Part 4:Why You Should Stay II

NDY1: Why people “Get done’ with church. Identity Crisis, Messy Church, Falling Away. Maybe you are being called to be the very thing you are searching for. NDY2: Why church matters. Church is not something you attend, it’s someone you are. The church is God’s idea. It’s a supernatural, amazing organism that is part of God’s plan to bring about His will and his Kingdom in this world. NDY3: Why You Should Stay. 1. A step out of church = step away from God? 2. Staying in stretches you. 3. An outward focus happens when people gather intentionally. 4. Potential = people aligned and released around a common mission, vision and strategy. NDY3: Why You Should Stay II 1. It all starts within the local church. (Col 1 v15-23) 2.Start healing where it hurts. (Eph. 4 v17-32, Col 3 v12-17) The most common reason people leave the church is because they have been wounded by someone in a church. A wound created in community is best healed in community. 3. The promise of the church is still greater than the problems of the church. (Eph 1 v15-23) 4. Trying something new is better than walking away. (1 Cor 12 & 13) Imagine if you and I adopted the 1 KM area around our house and committed to stomp out the Kingdom of darkness and declare Christ’s mission and vision over our neighbourhood: The blind regain their sight, the deaf hear, the demon oppressed set free, the poor given hope, the lonely invited into a family, the lost saved. I think broken people would run towards to a Christ-like local church like that.