Part 2: Daniel & Friends – Deadly Hostility.

Part 2: Daniel & Friends – Deadly Hostility.

Deadly Hostility. While God may not always deliver us from the threat of hostility, he may deliver you and will bring you through it. Taking A Stand Requires Trusting God For Boldness And Wisdom. (See Daniel Chapter 1) Daniel offered Ashpenaz a brilliant compromise – The Daniel Diet Plan! Do you ever think to ask the Holy Spirit for creative ideas when you face a hostile situation? Taking A Stand Can Influence Hostile People To Believe In God. (See Daniel Chapter 3) The three friends’ brazen act of disloyalty to the king was a courageous act of loyalty to the Lord. (v. 16-18) Their courageous stand influenced others to fear God. Taking A Stand Might Silence Your Enemies. (See Daniel Chapter 6) Daniel and the lion’s den! ,” The God of Daniel delivers and rescues, And He works signs and wonders, In heaven and on earth…” -Darius King of the Archimedean Empire Knowing God’s Will To Thrive In Hostility. 1. Did I hear this right? 2. Is it me or is it you? 3. What does God say? 4. Is there another way? (See Daniel 1 V8-16) 5. Simply stand. (Daniel 3 v16-18; 1 Peter 3 v15; Ephesians 6 v10-13) “Though none go with me, still I will follow.” Remember the courageous words of Lizzie Atwater: “Dear ones, live near God and cling less closely to earth. There is no other way by which we can receive that peace from God which passes understanding…”